Brief description of the Project

Development and implementation of process and project management methodologies and CIB’s organizational efficiency development area

Project summary

CIB Bank Zrt. reacted to changes in the Hungarian financial sector and increased the efficiency of the bank with the creation of a new division called the Organizational Change and Efficiency Management. The new division will centrally manage bank processes, organizational capacity utilization and project portfolio.

The project’s aim was to develop the new division’s operations and processes. The goal means the definition of the organizational form, the management forums, processes, systems, the methodologies of the operation, and the design and application of the implementation. In the course of the project, Vialto developed a comprehensive process-management and project management methodologies tailored to the needs and operations of the bank, and defined generally accepted and clear responsibilities and provided support for the introduction of the methodology.

Brief description of the Project 

Making a decision preparation and a feasibility study for establishing a centralized record of tasks and documents related to securing business continuity with software-support

Project summary

The aim of K&H Bank was to find the best tool (central recording system) to keep track of business continuity data and documents.

Vialto Consulting has presented the Carisma and ÜFO systems in a comparative manner in order to enable K&H to get familiar with the features of the current BCM devices on the market. To support the selection of the most suitable tool for K&H, Vialto Consulting has prepared the appropriate decision preparation document.


Brief description of the Project

Establishment of a new system of cooperation, clearing and motivation system for the organizational integration of the Strategic Project Directorate.

Project summary

Founded in 1938, the Institute of Transport Sciences, Non-profit Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as KTI) is the research base of the Ministry of National Development (Hereinafter referred to as NFM). With KTI’s research activities, it occupies a prominent place in the world of transport science institutes both in Hungary and in Europe.

In July 2011, the Strategic Project Directorate (hereinafter referred to as SPI) was established as the first project of an internal organizational transformation, including the Center for Transport Safety and aims to establish the Project Coordination Office, the Office for Transport Methodology and the Communication and Administrative Contact Office as soon as possible. The key objective of setting up SPI is to allow KTI to contribute strategically to the significant traffic system developments planned by the state and to make SPI more effective as NFM’s supporting institution of transport science.

In order to achieve the quick and effective integration of the newly established KTI goals and to integrate quickly and efficiently its organization, the leadership of KTI considered it necessary to renew the co-operation, resource and cost allocation system and stakeholder system within the institution. To achieve this, they invited Vialto Consulting Ltd. to conduct a concentrated position survey within an organization and to prepare a new cooperation, clearing and motivation system proposal.

Brief description of the Project

Modernisation of social service operations

Project summary

During the project, Vialto Conasulting examined the Local Government of Újbuda, the 11th District of Budapest’s social services provided to the Human Services Center, Újbuda Elderly Home and Újbuda Social Service Center. Vialto analyzed the size of the previous five years’ tasks, examined the economic characteristics of each task, and discussed the fee determination methods.

Vialto observed the fees for neighboring districts and other major rural towns, charitable or market-based service providers, and estimated the size of the task for the next five years based on demographic data. Based on the above, Vialto has formulated short and long term proposals that can improve the efficiency of the task management.


Brief description of the Project

Innovation consulting related to the GOP-3.3.4.tender as a partner of the ICT Association of Hungary (IVSZ)

Project summary

The purpose of the project is to prepare ITC companies for a successful participation in the later H2020 tender, in the framework of the GOP-3.3.4. The H2020 tender is designed to improve the competitiveness of the EU in innovation. The role of Vialto as an accredited consultant of IVSZ is to improve the competitiveness of the IVSZ members. As a result, 12 bid candidates were prepped to start H2020. To achieve this Vialto performed the following tasks:

  • Analysis of Innovation and Competitiveness Potential
  • Identify innovation opportunities and develop detailed action plans
  • Define strategic directions
  • Identification of international partners for the H2020 application
  • Preparation of organizational development and change management plans
  • Development of a test plan for product development

Brief description of the Project

Quality Assurance of Service Management Project Phase 2 and Service Process Assessment

Project summary

The aim of the project was the quality support of the second phase of the service management project and to reveal the operation, strengths and weaknesses of the service process.

Vialto examined the adequacy of project operation, project culture, the existence of the necessary conditions to start the 3rd phase of the ITIL project, mapped the service processes and connections and prepared the process map. Vialto modeled, illustrated the processes studied, identified the operational strengths and weaknesses of the processes concerned, and set out proposals for improving the processes.


Brief description of the Project

Preparation of field service planning

Project summary

From the autumn of 2013 and from January 1, 2014, the National Infocommunication Service Provider (Hereinafter referred to as NISZ) has to provide a much larger amount of on-site support tasks with national coverage. The purpose of NISZ Group is to provide SLA quality and cost-effective infocommunication roll-out and operating area services.

The aim is to develop and implement the current NISZ infocommunications establishing, operational and Supply Directorate-related process, and the future ‘field services’ processes following the „IT services” and „telecommunications” (OSS / BSS) and ERP system implementations. In order to achieve this goal, NISZ commissioned Vialto Consulting to carry out the work in the summer of 2013 under an advisory contract.

Brief description of the Project

Establishment of integrated marketing processes of the Magyar Telekom Residential Services department (CBU), regulation of the operation of the Residential Marketing Directorate.

Project summary

With the organizational transformation of Magyar Telekom on January 1, 2008, the organizational structure of the company changed fundamentally. In parallel with the organizational integration, a centralized process was established for the company’s resource planning and utilization (so-called CAPEX management), and specific regulations were also prepared. The objective of the project was to review the implementation of the CAPEX management processes of Magyar Telekom with special regard to the task and responsibilities of the Group Controlling Directorate and Technology area and to propose ways to improve the efficiency of the processes.